Monday, July 27, 2015

Following the Sun

You want to know the original reason I started a blog? I got a free trial of an amazing little thing called Amazon Prime, and I consequently got a free month of borrowing whatever books I wanted. I can't get enough of books. They were my first true love. I got a free audio book of the book by Zoella, Girl Online. I know it's more of a tween/teen book, but hey, I'm still young, I thought it was so cute. The girl in the book has this anonymous blog, and she groups together all of these followers, and they write about their feelings together. yeah....

That girl was so cool that I wanted a blog of my own. But since I want to do everything at once-write novels, create poetry, learn the cha-cha, travel, go hiking, attempt to speak Spanish, teach English, read books, play the violin, and fly to the moon, I often get caught up in all these other things and neglect a blog.

My good friend and room mate in Paraguay started a blog while we were there, and she posts faithfully. Her blog is beautiful and articulate, and inspires me to start writing again. I highly recommend checking it out :) It's called rushoftwenty

Well, I left Paraguay just in time to evade their winter months. Before I left, my sweet students surprised me with two surprise parties!! It's always been a dream of mine to have a surprise party, and it looks like Paraguay did a good job of answering several of my dreams. I miss the sunshine, adventures, and the people, and I hope to go back one day soon.

Very soon after Paraguay, I went to have adventures on the other side of the world, in Idaho. I milked a cow for my first time (I wish I had a picture) and I ran through fields of flowers. If I could, I would run through fields of flowers everyday. I would be running through one right now.

It's hard to find fields of flowers in Southern Utah. If anyone disagrees with me, by all means, disclose the secret of where they are.

So, the semester in Idaho flew by fast, and yes, I am back in Southern Utah again for a few months. It's been so nice to have a reprieve from the intense heat while I was in Idaho. It is definitely summer down here. And I'm going to be evading the winter yet again later this year! It turns out that I get to go live in Hawaii!! And with none other than my best friend Michael, who I became best friends with on a bus in Paraguay.

Michael and I made our status as boyfriend and girlfriend official four months ago, on a roof in Paraguay. Feel free to offer congratulations or gifts. It was an awesome moment.

I like to bask in our awesomeness:

It's so interesting and wonderful, the places life takes you. I couldn't have imagined two years ago that I would have been the places I've gone. I'm amazed at this gift called life. This girl can't stop traveling, and I'm excited to keep following the sun.

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